Namaste! LMS Turns WordPress into a Learning Resource

Namaste! LMS allows users to transform WordPress into a learning site for any purpose or subject. There are no limitations so the user can add as much or as little as they like. Student management tools are included as well as assignments, notes and much more. Users can oversee each step in the learning process to provide valuable information and instruction to users, students or clients. Will Namaste! LMS offer the tools needed to fully utilize the learning potential of your WordPress website?

What Do You Get with Namaste! LMS?

Namaste! LMS taps into the user friendly nature of WordPress to give users a quick and hassle-free way to add more dimension to their educational sites. The features list includes a number of appealing tools that allow users to automate some aspects of the process while offering a personalized, interactive experience to students. What can you do with Namaste! LMS installed on your WordPress site?

Namaste! LMS Brings Learning to WordPress

Namaste! LMS presents an easy way to take a learning-based WordPress site to the next level. Users can create an interactive, educational element that is highly customizable. The features allow site owners to offer free courses, cater to a specific group of learners or sell courses to earn money without leaving WordPress. Users will appreciate the convenience of Namaste! LMS which is just as easy to use as any other WordPress plugin. Added functionality can be incorporated into the site by using Namaste! LMS along with any of the other recommended plugins.

The Future of Namaste! LMS

Namaste! LMS offers a number of practical features that can be used on one of the most popular website building platforms on the internet. The system is simple to implement and understand, which is a big plus for newcomers to the e-learning scene. Along with a free version, there is also a paid Namaste! Pro which will appeal to users who want more control and functionality out of their WordPress plugin. Namaste! LMS continues to offer a hassle-free solution that opens up many possibilities when it comes to teaching online.

Create a Better Learning Site with Namaste! LMS

Namaste! LMS bridges the gap between basic blog and fully functional eLearning website. Users can share knowledge and instruction through tests, assignments and online courses. The pay-to-learn option is appealing for those who want to generate revenue through WordPress. Overall the system is straightforward and includes all the basics a user will need to start enrolling students and managing courses with a WordPress website.